Tell me what metaphors you use and I will tell you… #ReframeCovid metaphors

By Aleksandra Salamurović
Photo by Dominik Reallife on Unsplash

„China and the rest of the world are sailing in the same river, which is churned up by storms and waves, and we hope that more people will swing the oar together to steer the ship through the dangerous water, instead of watching indifferently from afar” (Opinion article from BJ News, 26/02/20, provided by Jianan Zhang in the #ReframeCovid collection)

This year will be for sure remembered for the extraordinary global pandemic event, affecting and influencing the whole world. And what about the metaphors used to represent SARS-CoV-2, which is the official name of the virus, and numerous other aspects of the pandemic? Which ones will be remembered? I am sure that every reader will spontaneously think of one metaphor they find particularly interesting, generally relatable, witty, or emotional. And possibly many will think of one which has been especially pervasive in political discourse in several countries worldwide (although not in Germany). I began this blog post with one of my favourites and in a minute I will return to that.

Tell me what metaphors you use and I will tell you… #ReframeCovid metaphors weiterlesen

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